(#1) New Spiritual Explosion Updates: His Spiritual Church & Tree of Life Are On Earth

Before reading this, I suggest that you read the first part (about the “Rock”) of the 1997 Vision: God’s Spiritual Explosion, Christ’s Rapture, China Pushes… Is Upon Us NOW. The following is actually an exciting update added on December 26, 2019!

God showed me the following as I was waking up and already in the Spirit: A green healthy, very young tree; actually, it is still a shoot. It was growing out of the center of a circle of ashes. God said that these ashes were left behind by the Spiritual Explosion within the Rock, or Church that Christ sat next to in the original 1997 Vision, God’s Spiritual Explosion, Christ’s Rapture, China Pushes…
The old physical rock, or church(es) originally seen in this 1997 Vision has become a circle of ashes; and the huge rock’s formation has completely vanished. In the middle of the ash circle sits a new, very healthy shoot that is alive with God’s Spiritual fullness. 
God said to me, “The old church, or rock had been consumed by My all-consuming fire, which is the Holy Spirit of God. (Acts 2:1-4)
In the 1997 Vision God said through me:
“As the Holy Spirit explodes from the Rock, Christ and those Spiritual Beings in His physical church become one WITHOUT ANY SEPARATION. This indicates that the physical church(es) as a whole, was not “one” with Christ Jesus IN THE SPIRIT at the beginning of this vision. Therefore, He sat outside the physical Church(es) at the time this vision began to manifest.
The Rock and Jesus become one as the Holy Spirit/Word/Water EXPLODES forth. The water of God comes out of the Rock in such great force that it shoots up as a volcano would. Though Jesus’ hands were a RESTRAINT, He removes them and allows His Holy Spirit to become a volcano of STRENGTH and POWER on earth [this is later called both God’s Spiritual Explosion and Spiritual Revolution by God.] God often refers to the “Word” as Water” in the Bible… Read “(1997) Spiritual Explosion…” for more information. 
In 2007 God added a NOTE to the 1997 Vision. I’ve added it below:
“God has shown me that as the shooting water (Jesus’ Spiritual people) come from the Rock they ascend upward; but, they also descend from the explosive water cloud back toward Earth. This water becomes a “NEW RAIN” (Latter Day Rain) upon the earth. This SPIRITUAL water never touches the ground, but will fall upon the remaining people on earth like rain <Jer 5:24Hos 6:1-3Joel 2:21-3:2>. This rain is literally LIGHT and glitters as it moves about (James 1:16-18).  Those who ascended are one with the Light Himself [God our Father: see Jn 1:17; Jn 12:45-46; Jn 1:3-13; Rev 22:5-7 ].
In reality, the atomic-looking water cloud and NEW rain are God’s Holy Spirit coming forth from Christ’s SPIRITUAL CONGREGATION /WIFE /Church.” (12/2007)
God continued, “There is only One Spiritual creation and it literally embodies all SPIRITUAL members in Christ, both in heaven and earth. The shoot, or twig, is the manifestation of the Tree of Life ON EARTH.” The shoot or Tree had perfect, but still small sprigs (soon to be branches) off of the core shoot [Christ on earth in His New Spiritual Church].
This morning when I wrote this down I wanted to call the small shoot a “vine,” but God insisted that it was the Tree of Life.  I said to Him that it looked like the Rock (that had been in the 1997 Vision) had vanished.”  I also went on to ask, “Is Christ gone?” 
God said, “He has become part of, and Head over His Spiritual Church on earth as well as in Heaven. The True Spiritual Church on earth has erupted [exploded from the old] and has been consumed by My all-consuming fire: My Holy Spirit. *See “(2023) God’s All-Consuming Fire: the Spiritual Explosion.”  As promised Christ is ONE with it [the New Church/Congregation].”
[Again, God promised us in 1997]
As the Holy Spirit explodes from the Rock, Christ, those Spiritual Beings within His physical church become One WITHOUT ANY SEPARATION. This indicates that the physical church(es) were not “one” with Christ Jesus IN THE SPIRIT at the beginning of this [1997] Vision. Therefore, He sat outside the physical Church(es) at the time this vision began to manifest.
The Rock and Jesus become one as the Holy Spirit/Word/Water EXPLODES forth. The water of God comes out of the Rock in such great force that it shoots up as a volcano would. Though Jesus’ hands were a RESTRAINT, He removed them and allowed His Holy Spirit to become a volcano of STRENGTH and POWER on earth [this is later called both God’s Spiritual Explosion and Spiritual Revolution by God…”  
[NOTE: Practically every time I spoke in tongues during the last three years [2016-2023], God’s Holy Spirit has prayed to God our Father for His/our liberation and or separation. I was not sure why the Spirit was praying for these over and over…, but now I both see and hear why. We, through the Holy Spirit and His prayers for us and through us, are helping God bring Heaven to earth. We are being SEPARATED and LIBERATED from the world (and its religious orders, denominations, and traditions; all of satan’s evil) that once held us captive (see 2 Cor 4:3-4; Eph 2:2). In the above update, we see God beginning to Spiritually manifest His Will on earth through the Holy Spiritual prayers of many, including myself.]  This same prayer is still being prayed over and over through me most days by the Holy Spirit as I pray in tongues (August 13, 2023).
We live in very exciting times indeed!  Thank you, Lord for keeping Your Word to us, for us, and within us, Amen Amen and again Amen.
Extra Verses: 1 Cor 15:44-46; Rom 5:17; Rev 22:14; 1 John 5:13; Prov 15:4; Isa 61:3; Titus 3:5; 1 John 3:14
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I, Chris Williams, serve Jesus Christ, and thus you, within all of the five-fold ministry callings; I have done so since 1988, when I first heard Jesus Christ speak through me. If you would like to read more about that exciting life changing event, it is posted on our website: "Christ’s First Love Letter Thru Chris (1988) ~ NOW with UPDATES". Please search for it under the search words, "First Love Letter." I love Jesus Christ, God our Father, and the Holy Spirit with all that God has created me to be. I am so very grateful for every day that we are together with you and His other loving Children. I especially love to help Jesus teach others to prophesy, which is to hear God speak through them in their own language so that all present can understand and learn (see 1 Cor 14:1-39). I rejoice every time another Child hears God and begins their own intimate conversations with their Father, Savior and Helper/Comforter. All that God says must agree with the Bible. Please contact me for seminars, classes, lectures etc at chris@christine-williams-ministry.org . I'd love to meet you in person! In His Love For You, Chris