Home Teachings Christ's One Body “A Massive Separation Within The People On Earth”

“A Massive Separation Within The People On Earth”

This know, Child: Peace, great peace, Beloved One, Amen Amen and again Amen.  Be still and listen. Yes, just listen.
There will be a massive separating/separation within the people on earth, but Mine will continue to become One Body.  I separate Mine and cause their (1)fusion and infusion into My Son’s One Body of unity, faith in Me, and My love.  I am Love.
Those who are forced to join the anti-Christ’s one body will be allowed to do so [by Me]; their confusion and separation is their dissension [disagreement that leads to discord] and dissatisfaction within themselves, and is within their own body.  True Spiritual unification is never seen among satan, the anti-Christ, and theirs.  Know this.
Mine have failed to receive My power BECAUSE they have failed to UNIFY and recognize all members within Me, their Father, Amen Amen and again Amen.
As Mine learn the freedom now given by Me, their Lord, My power rises and unifies all in heaven and earth: both together. This is a Spiritual unification that is Eternal, thus it is a bond that is more powerful than all others.  I am this bond, and I am this power, Amen Amen and again Amen.
Long live your King – I AM Eternal, Amen Amen and again Amen.


(1) “I separate Mine and cause their fusion and infusion into My Son’s One Body of unity, faith in Me, and My love”:


“The merging of similar or different elements into a union.”


“the act of adding one thing to another to make it stronger or better.
” an inward flow that helps to fill something”

Thank You Father for loving us.  Your love can never be described in words.  Teach us to love You and each other as You love us, Amen Amen and again Amen. In His Love, Chris 



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