Home Christ's Love Letters “I Now Set Blazing, Roaring Fires Within Mine On Earth” (Podcast &...

“I Now Set Blazing, Roaring Fires Within Mine On Earth” (Podcast & Written)

I [John the Baptist] indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He [Jesus Christ] who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit AND FIRE.” (Matthew 3:11)
Precious One, write for Me this morning, Amen.
The (1)Spiritual Breezes, that I spoke of before, are still blowing and moving across the earth.  Much as summer winds do, these breezes kindle and spread fire, My fire, saith the Spirit of Almighty God, Amen Amen and again Amen.
These breezes set fire to the old and kindle the new within those spirits who are near death from lack of Spiritual food: which is the Word of God, not as it is written by man, but by Me, your Lord’s Spirit (see 2 Pet 1:21; Rev 19:10).
Transformation begins, and finishes within many on earth during this time: My time, not man’s.  Trust Me, Children.  I move within, and by the Eternal power of God Almighty; and  Iset blazing roaring fires within Mine on earth now.
You are to expect this for yourself, because I have said these things not through one, but many.  You are to thank Me and praise Me daily for My manifestation of power and fire now upon the earth.  Wait to see, and expect to see Me daily.  I am the fire and power of God Almighty, Amen Amen and again Amen.
The (3)Spiritual Explosion has begun. See it as I well up within you.  Breathe Me out into a room; and I will move as My Spiritual breezes spread like a fire throughout My earth, Amen Amen and again Amen. What begins as a small fire within each Believer, now spreads quickly.  My fire cannot be stopped.  I am this fire and I am this immense power now manifested, Amen.
God’s great mercy is upon man now and forever.  Meditate on this and become one with Me, the (2)Resurrected Man, Amen Amen and again Amen.



Spiritual Breezes Are Floating Across The Earth (Written and Video)


“The Time Of The Spiritual Explosion Is Upon You” (Written and Video)


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