“During This Time You Are Consummated WITHIN Me [Christ]” (Radio and Written)

Jesus says, “Be blessed this day.  Anticipate My goodness in you and in all those around you, Children, Amen Amen and again Amen.
During THIS TIME [NOW], (2)ALL GOODNESS FLOWS forth from Mine onto the earth; and each is (1)CONSUMMATED within Me. Allow this to happen, My Little Ones, Amen. Now come forth in all that I am, Children.  Become as I am, Beloveds!
Yes, Children, the (2)HONEY FLOWS FORTH from each comb, Amen Amen and again Amen.”
[NOTE: When God wrote today’s piece through me, I asked Him why He had added the sentence, “the honey flows forth from each comb.”  Today, as I re-read this, along with the definition and verses for “CONSUMMATION” it became clear.   
In the Prophetic Word, above, Jesus Christ said, “all goodness flows… onto the earth,” and “honey flows forth.”  Christ is telling us that He is both the “GOODNESS” and the “HONEY,” and that He flows forth from “each comb”.  He also states that “EACH COMB” is one individual Child within Him: His one Body.
Jesus stated in the first paragraph that YOU are to anticipate His goodness WITHIN YOU and ALL THOSE AROUND YOU.  In doing this we begin, and continue God’s blessing to us. We are becoming Christ’s own heart, His own one (*)breathing heart and goodness on earth.]
(*) “Christ’s breathing heart”:  See “RESURRECTED MAN ~ God’s RESURRECTED PEOPLE” (Written and Videos).


(1) Consummate; Consummation Defined
“Consummated” (also seen below as “Consummation): TO BRING TO COMPLETIONFULFILL2. COMPLETE or PERFECT in EVERY RESPECT… 3. … UTTER [ie the Word, Testimony] 4. TO COMPLETE A MARRIAGE… [SPIRITUAL: VERBAL (*)INTERCOURSE…]”
(*) “Intercourse; Verbal Intercourse”:  “1: connection or dealings between persons or groups; 2:  exchange especially of thoughts or feelings: communion…”  (copied from Merriam Webster at: https://www.merriam-webster.com/)
[EXCERPT BELOW] copied from Christian Crier on Patheos at: What Does Consummation Mean?

CONSUMMATION is the act of CONSUMING SOMETHING to the full or a fulfillment of some goal or desired outcome. It can also be defined as the ULTIMATE GOAL OR ENDthe COMPLETION OF A GOAL, the FULFILLMENT OF A DESIRED OUTCOME, and/or MARKS THE ARRIVAL OF SOMETHING, like in biblical theology, the consummation [of] the Kingdom of God at the arrival of Jesus Christ, (1a)where the kingdoms of this world are directly under the Kingdom of God ON EARTH (see Rev 11:15)…”
[NOTE: Because Jesus said that you will be consummated within Him, we  know that He will totally CONSUME US (our old): in this case, He is speaking of a time when many of us are still on earth.  “During this time,” we are to be consummated along with all of His other children; our consummation WITH EACH  OTHER occurs as His goodness [His nature, character], His honey, flows and intermingles between and within each of us, and all of us together within His One Body (see Eph 1:22-23; 1 Cor 15:28).
This is the CONSUMMATION and completion of God’s eternal intent and goal (Salvation and Spiritual re-birth of mankind) since our fall: spoken of in Genesis.  Through this act God will fulfill, that is bring to a close, His desired outcome; through this action He has literally begun the final preparations for our wedding to Jesus Christ.  This manifestation marks the arrival of Christ and His Kingdom on earth in His new way through His Spiritual [and physical] Believers (see Luke 17:20-21); and Christ’s marriage to His ONE SPIRITUAL Bride ~ Wife ~ Church ~ Congregation. 
As we know, Christ began the washing of His ONE Spiritual Church/Bride/Wife/Congregation in the water of the WORD years ago.  Through our consummation WITHIN HIM, this intensified washing manifests His Spiritual Church, final Congregation, and Wife without spot or wrinkle.  He will, “during this time,” “COMPLETE AND PERFECT HER IN EVERY RESPECT.”  There will be a complete change within our hearts; some have already begun to see this huge transformation that God alone is causing within each true Believer.
Even now, in 2017, we see a great increase in the number of people seeking to listen to, and hear God’s voice.  Huge numbers of people are joining God/Christ daily through God’s Holy Spirit, seeking a more intimate relationship with Him through Christ.
Christ is the Word, and as His Holy Spirit speaks through you (whether it is in your native tongue/language or foreign languages/tongues) as He did the first/beginning church, we see huge changes within each individual, and thus the whole Spiritual Body of Christ upon the earth (as it is in heaven). (See Eph 5:25-27; John 1:1-5; 1 John 5:7; Rev 19:13)
“Praises be to God Almighty and His precious Son Jesus Christ,” says the Spirit who  is holy, Amen Amen and again Amen.


* Biblical Consummation
[For the Christian]
“The Apostle John writes about the consummation of the Kingdom of God but by the appearance of the King of that Kingdom, where he wrote that “LOVE HAS BEEN PERFECTED AMONG US in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; (1a)BECAUSE AS HE IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD” (see 1 John 4:17)…”
[NOTE: I love the above statement because it sums up everything that Jesus is telling us in this message.  “OUR LOVE IS PERFECTED AMONG US… BECAUSE AS JESUS IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD.”
Through Christ’s own love within us, and despite the fact that we remain on earth, we will soon become as He is.  There will be a huge manifestation of Christ’s own love within each true Christian’s heart.  This love, because it is Him in us, and US WITHIN HIM, will be “self” sacrificing, non-judgmental, and unconditional by nature. There will be but one nature within all of us ~ HIS.
Years ago I was blessed by God as He took me to a place between heaven and earth.  There I met with a large group of Spiritual Beings from heaven.  They rushed over to me – all were excited to see me, though I did not recognize one of them. They immediately began to hug me, and express God’s love toward me.  I responded back with the immense love that I was feeling and receiving from them.  They loved me way beyond anything I had ever experienced on earth. I believe this love was equal to what Jesus (God, Spirit) feels for each and everyone of us. I spontaneously loved them like I love Jesus (God, Spirit). We were all elated to see and be with each other.  This experience changed my life, and continues to today.
Later, as I was talking to God about this gift, I mentioned that I had seen that each of these Beings had an open chest; the open chests did not appear until the end of the visitation.  Within the chests I saw what looked to be wires or veins/arteries.  God explained that I had seen the open chests so that I would learn that these spirits were completely exposed to each other: their past, including mistakes and sins.  God stressed that though these individuals know the past mistakes of their brothers and sisters, they do not judge each other (see Matt 7:1-2).  This part of every ones life is gone and over.  
They possessed only Godly love for each other: the love that I had experienced during the visitation. He said that they were HOLY BECAUSE they had become, and were non-judgmental, all forgiving, and unconditional love, just as Christ was and is (for the opposite of this, see Rev 12:9-11). This is who God is causing us to be while many of us are still on earth.


(1a)BECAUSE AS HE IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD” (+) “where the )kingdoms of this world are directly under the Kingdom of God ON EARTH“: Please read: “The World Fears The End Of…” in which God our Father states, among other thrilling things, “My love is seen by ALL as His [Christ’s] presence manifests on earth, and He becomes the ONE reality for all.”
In today’s prophecy and revelation, Jesus teaches us that it is His own manifestation in nature and Spirit that CONSUMMATES, and thus brings into completion and perfection, all members within His one Body.  He is teaching us that each of us will be joined together within this consummation; and that we, as one Spiritual Church and Wife, will also be joined together and ONE within Christ.  WE WILL LITERALLY BECOME “ALL IN ALL” (see Eph 1:22-23; 1 Cor 15: 28 )  God will, and is causing this!



[For the Desolate]
“… but there is also the consummation of God’s coming judgment of which Daniel wrote about in the end times, where he wrote that it will be “Even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate” (Dan 9:27)…
[For the Christian] 
The psalmist [Daniel also] wrote, “I have seen the CONSUMMATION OF ALL PERFECTION, but Your commandment is exceedingly broad” (Psalm 119:96). Of course it was said of Jesus that He was full of grace and of truth (John 1:14) or THE VERY PERFECTION of it [Grace and Truth] and we could say HE IS THE CONSUMMATION OF ALL TRUTH AND ALL GRACE […literal, figurative or spiritual; especially  […literal, … or spiritual;  the Divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in life, including gratitude; Strong’s NT:5485)] as He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6; Luke 17:20-21)…”
[NOTE: As we are joined within Christ, we are brought into HIS PERFECTION.  I agree with this writer, Jesus is the CONSUMMATION OF ALL TRUTH AND ALL GRACE; and thus, as we are CONSUMMATED within Him, we are also CONSUMMATED WITH ALL TRUTH AND GRACE [ […literal, … or spiritual;  the Divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in life, including gratitude]. (see John 4:24)

* The Consummation of the Kingdom

As we have read, a CONSUMMATION OF A MARRIAGE means the two are joined together both spiritually and physically, and THE CONSUMMATION OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD is very similar IN REGARDS TO THE CHURCH AND CHRIST BEING JOINED TOGETHER WITH HER AT HIS RETURN…”

[NOTE: The Apostle Paul described this relationship between Christ and His one Spiritual Church in Ephesians 5:25-32 (please see).”


(2) “Honey”: “As a symbol, honey stands for abundance (Ex 3:8; Ex 13:5; Ex 33:3), THE BELIEVERS DELIGHT IN GOD’S WORD (Ps 19:10; Ps 119:103), and THE RIGHTNESS OF GOD’S WORD TO HIS PEOPLE (Ezek 3:3).”  (from Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary…)

Please notice, “Honey” is both the “rightness of God’s Word” and also “the believer’s delight in God’s Word.”  Also notice that Jesus said today, “During this time, all goodness flows forth from Mine onto the earth; and each is (1)consummated within Me.” He then goes on to say, “the honey flows forth from each comb“.  We are also told in the love letter below,“The Honeycomb, Honey, Grape and New Wine” that because we are ONE with Jesus, the honeycomb and honey, we are seen by God as the comb, or container, of the honey/Christ.  We are also told that each of us is filled with Christ, the honey.  He goes even further, stating: “I am your Husband and we are one.”
Please notice that Jesus, who wrote this love letter to His Beloveds, chose Song 5:1 to go with the letter.  In Song 5:1 we read that God/Spirit/Jesus calls the woman His Spouse [Wife].  He also tells all of His friends, you and me, to eat and drink with Him.
This is confirmed as we read the excerpt from the love letter, “The Honeycomb, Honey, Grape and New Wine” in which Jesus says, “I am the honeycomb.  I am the honey that fills.  I am both.  As one with Me you are also one comb, or container.  I fill each with Myself, thus all in the honeycomb [also Christ Jesus]  are one with Me and I HAVE BECOME YOU, Amen…”
Upon Consummation, Christ’s WORD [Christ is the Word; Rev 19:13], His Spirit / Word will flow outward, and onto the earth through each member within Him.
(John 6:63-64)
 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The Word(s) that I [Jesus] speak to you are Spirit, and they are [Eternal] life.
[NOTE: Below, I have added the short EXCERPT, mentioned above, from
 January 4 [2013] “The Honeycomb, Honey, Grape and New Wine” (copied from our Daily Devotional, Christ’s Love Letters [AVAILABLE AT  Amazon.com)]

“I [Jesus; Solomon] have come to my garden, my sister, my spouse [Bride; Wife]; I have gathered my myrrh with my spice; I have eaten [consumed] my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, O friends! Drink, yes, drink deeply, O beloved ones!” (Song 5:1)
Write Me, My Love, My Honey, Amen.  I am the honeycomb.  I am the honey that fills.  I am both.  As one with Me you are also one comb, or container.  I FILL EACH WITH MYSELF, THUS ALL IN THE HONEYCOMB ARE ONE WITH ME AND I HAVE BECOME YOU, Amen…
I am your Husband and we are one, Amen Amen and again Amen (see Hos. 2:14-20; Rev. 19:7-8). I am in love with you, Amen.  Christ your King, Amen Amen and again Amen.  Love far exceeds all else now and forever.  Walk home with Me in this day, Amen.”
In today’s prophetic Word, Christ said, “During this time, all goodness flows forth from MINE [you and me, and the heavenly spiritual beings] onto the earth; and each is CONSUMMATED WITHIN ME.  In short, we are promised that on the day of judgement we will be found AS HE IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD.” (see 1 John 4:17)
God is telling us that we will now become CONSUMMATED, or completed and JOINED TOGETHER SPIRITUALLY (with both heavenly and earthly Spirit filled beings), WITHIN CHRIST: Christ’s one Body.” At “THIS TIME,” we will also become consummated together WITH Jesus Christ, who is this ONE BODY of many (consummated, or joined) members.
Definitely, as we are CONSUMMATED we will be CONSUMED within Christ and caused to become one with Him in His heart and nature.  You will not disappear as an individual entity, but your nature, mind, heart, spirit etc will be as He is. He is causing us to become One Body, and literally “all in all.”
(1 John 4:17-19)
Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; BECAUSE AS HE IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD. THERE IS NO FEAR IN LOVE; but PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAR, because fear involves torment. But HE WHO FEARS HAS NOT BEEN MADE PERFECT IN LOVE. We love Him because He first loved us.


You may want to also read: 

“The World Fears The End Of…” (PODCAST and Written)


“Unified In Christ’s One PRECIOUS Body” (PODCAST and Written)

I’d love to read your comments on this piece.  You will find our COMMENTS section at the very bottom of this page on the left.

Previous article“The World Fears The End Of…” (PODCAST and Written)
Next articleThe Final Harvest
I, Chris Williams, serve Jesus Christ, and thus you, within all of the five-fold ministry callings; I have done so since 1988, when I first heard Jesus Christ speak through me. If you would like to read more about that exciting life changing event, it is posted on our website: "Christ’s First Love Letter Thru Chris (1988) ~ NOW with UPDATES". Please search for it under the search words, "First Love Letter." I love Jesus Christ, God our Father, and the Holy Spirit with all that God has created me to be. I am so very grateful for every day that we are together with you and His other loving Children. I especially love to help Jesus teach others to prophesy, which is to hear God speak through them in their own language so that all present can understand and learn (see 1 Cor 14:1-39). I rejoice every time another Child hears God and begins their own intimate conversations with their Father, Savior and Helper/Comforter. All that God says must agree with the Bible. Please contact me for seminars, classes, lectures etc at chris@christine-williams-ministry.org . I'd love to meet you in person! In His Love For You, Chris


  1. Dear Chris,
    This may have been your most outstanding set of revelations. It was made so clear and understandable.
    I was by sanctified imagination in the Spirit; I thought we could be raptured at any moment. I have a friend who travels the earth by revelation instead of airlines, at times. This is the Latter Rain Outpouring we have been waiting for since Valentine’s Day 1948 in Canada led by George Hawtin.
    Ninth of Av is Tuesday, we must prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert, a highway for our GOD, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed. Love and blessings, Bob

    • Hi Bob, Good to hear from you. Thank you for all of this important information. I am a bit unfamiliar with the words “travels the earth by revelation rather than airlines”? If your friend has given you more information about this, please let me know what that means. Thanks for your comments – much appreciated. In His Love, Chris

      • Chris,
        Three men who have experienced Translocation are Dr. James Maloney, Henry Gruver, and Michael Van Vlymen [www.riverofblessingsinternationalministries.org]. I am aware of many more also, as it was the translocation of Phillip after baptizing the eunuch in Acts. Dr.Bruce Allen has been Michael’s mentor, and they travel together around the world teaching on many realms of the supernatural. Both are on You Tube.
        They are always in the WORD. Bruce was given the Mantle of Enoch by Jesus a few years ago to preach the End Times. Love you my Sister,

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