Grace: “… especially the Divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude [praise]…
(Strong’s Concordance)
Behold, saith the Lord, another new and beautiful day, Children.
Grace, great grace embodies Mine Children. Light, My light, flows all around My Children as they gather to celebrate Me and Mine, both on earth and in heaven. Sit still and listen to My angels sing, saith the Lord. Now, join them as they sing to Me. They rejoice within Me and My given newness.
Daily, celebrate all that now comes to you. Children, all things are planned by Me and through Me, Amen. Again, grace, great grace comes to Mine; and then flows through them toward others, Amen, your Lord Christ, Amen.
Father, teach us and cause us to love You and each other as you love us.
From our daily devotional “September 8; Christ’s Prophetic Love Letters To His Children”
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