My Beloved, write Me to Mine. I am My Word. My Word and I are one, Amen (see John 1:1-5).
Bring My love into your heart and live, saith the Lord. Let My love live within you. There is a difference between knowing and sharing My love, and knowing and giving human love. My love is sincere, and seeks nothing but love in return. My love does not seek to change the one they love, but loves them the way they are; and prays that this loved one becomes all that God wants them to be. This love realizes human error and frailty within all, including themselves. My love brings quiet and peace to all, including the object of your love and yourself.
Never assume that you see another person clearly without My Spirit’s voice of Spiritual discernment, Children. We will gaze upon them together, and I will lead you and allow you to assist Me in helping and healing them. You are not the healer, but I can heal them through you.
A man or woman without God is an empty shell; but, with God’s Spiritual flow through them they are greater than our enemy and all human error and frailty.
Know My peace. You are not responsible for another’s life. I am responsible for all of My creation. Only I see deeply into another person’s heart and mind. Only I am able to bring My peace, rest, and complete healing to them, Amen Amen and again Amen. Enter My peace and rest daily. Know My love for you and for them.
See My reality within you, and be ever alert in hearing My voice lead you. You are to be My assistant and not the decision maker. Again, only I am able to change a person’s heart, Amen, My Children, Amen. The peace that you should feel right now, is the peace that you must now begin to live within, Amen. Christ, your Lord who loves you.
God, we pray that You fill us all with the Fullness of Yourself, Love Chris
From our daily devotional July 23; Christ’s Prophetic Love Letters To His Children
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