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"All Consuming Love"
With Interpretation
(Written January or February 1997)

[This is in three sections; you want to read all three. The third part concludes the first two.]

Several years ago, the Lord took me (in the Spirit) into a little physical bird. His purpose in doing this, was to give me the oneness with His creation; I was allowed to experience the Life in the bird, as he does (as he feels) in the physical. He was warm, alive and content, and in an unemotional LIFE form. He had no "pre-thoughts" concerning fear - this is the best I can describe his mind.

The Lord took me deeper into this tiny bird; and as He did, I realized how very much I loved the "inside" of that sweet little bird. I was in "God's Love" TOWARDS the bird. I became one with his little beating heart; and understood how very important this life in the bird, was to the bird (this is hard for me to put into words). I, literally, BEAT with the bird's heart, as if I was the heart. I felt the warmth of it and the warmth of the blood as it flowed through it. Today, I can still think about the little birds warm heart beating and feel it inside of me - or me inside of it.

God convinced me , in my spirit, that the bird was created "grateful" to God for "his" life. His heart beat in gratitude for "life" in him; and non-judgmental about what he received.


After Christmas 1996 (sometime), the Lord has shown me a vision. I appeared to be a huge waterfall coming out of a huge gray rock mountain. Quickly, I was COMPLETELY consumed by a MUCH BIGGER waterfall - it poured over me and (naturally) I disappeared. I was totally consumed by the water that cascaded down (and over me) from above me. As I was consumed by it, I became ONE with it, inseparable.

I understood that this massive waterfall was God, and all His people/Body as ONE (they and He were ONE entity pouring over me/consuming me). I was refreshed, and thrilled that I disappeared into the huge BODY of water - God. As I remained part of the water, I was also drawn back from it, so that I could look at it. The Rock and waterfall consumed all of my vision "screen". It was massive; and I was unable to see the full height or width.


This morning (February 21, 1997), while in prayer, I received a vision. I saw God in a huge Being coming toward me, almost as a cloud; this Being enveloped me. I immediately was consumed into His heart. My experience was as the two experiences above. I was thrilled to be COMPLETELY consumed, and I was aware of the beating heart, warmth and COMFORT of God. I was literally in Him; part of His very Life.

What I have never before considered, and God has shown me, is this: God, Himself (the only Eternal Self Existent in creation), is in a state of gratitude and love of "LIFE". I felt this in His heart; it was the same heart (felt) that beat in the sweet little bird. The birds heart was not a part of God's heart; it was "identical" to His heart, in every beat and thought (only smaller).

The Lord has just reminded me, that lately I have been praying to be more "in love", as He is - more loving. I want to "BE" His Love continually. He has shown all of us Himself, in a way I have never seen or experienced Him before. I have been given a vision of the "consummation between the Groom and His Bride"; the "all consuming" Love of His Life. His love for her is so intense; and so part of all things that He, and His Life in us, are inseparable Amen.

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