“Only The Humble Will See This Spiritual Explosion” (Radio and Written)

In Church:
For many years, I have prayed and asked God to manifest His healing power for His people: as I am sure many of you have.  Recently, while in church, during song and worship, I heard God say to go and lay my hands on the back of a woman’s shoulders.  I hesitated at first, because I had never seen anyone else do this during worship (in this particular church).  As I hesitated, I heard God say, “You would fail to walk across the aisle to help and heal a sick person?” 
I realized what I was doing, and quickly moved across the aisle and sat down behind the lady.  I did as God said, and I laid my hands on her shoulders.  We both worshiped God together, and I soon felt her hand press mine lovingly. 
Then, much to my surprise, she stood up and ran down the aisle carrying her oxygen tank. She went to the front, got on her knees and began to thank Jesus.  I was told by God that I was not to go up to the front of the church with her; I was to stay where I was and to continue to thank Him.
After a while, she was unable to get up off of her knees, and others began to help her up.  God then said that I was to go up to the front and help the few that had stepped forward to lift her up.  She then told me that God had removed a severe pain under her rib cage near her heart.  We have often praised and thanked Him for this together.
A Vision and Teaching From God:
The next morning, when still half asleep, I had a very quick Vision.
I saw myself in the same church.  I did not see the friend that I now go to church with on Sundays; she was not present.  I saw many people, but I do not remember seeing anyone specific.  I thought that we were all looking toward the right front corner of the Sanctuary in the church.  All of a sudden I realized that everyone else was looking back and slightly toward the left side of the Sanctuary.
I turned to the back to see what everyone else was looking at.  It was then that I noticed that the people, who remained within their physical bodies, were also SPIRITUALLY POINTING (they appeared as arrows within their human bodies) toward the back of the Sanctuary. The Vision froze that way.
God’s Word For His Children:
I was immediately concerned, and asked God if I had been looking the wrong way in both this Vision and in the Church. God said, “No, do not look back, Chris.  Continue to look forward.  When the Spirit moved yesterday, many were in shock and many wanted to turn back (to the time they knew before: when no healing appeared as they prayed for it).  You and Jerlene (my friend, not present in the vision) wanted to concentrate and keep your eyes on Me, and Me alone.  Do not follow a human now; follow Me alone.  I am able to, and will stand in front of My Beloveds if they/you will let Me.”
God added, as I wrote this, “Never again be disappointed if other humans do not recognize Me and My prayers through you [this happened in the physical church].
Let go now – you have. You both (my friend also) have; and you saw Me (yesterday in church) move as I Willed – not man.  All My truly Spirit filled Beloveds KNOW that man cannot bring God’s Glory to earth. 
Again, this time does not bring a revival; there is nothing to revive.  This is the NEWNESS, THE GLORY OF CHRIST ON EARTH (in and through all of His spirits on earth and in heaven).
Never look back at men/women/children and their expectations again.  Say only that which I give you (see Luke 21:14-16).  Do not become a people pleaser.  Please Me, God/Christ alone, Amen (see Gal 1:10-12).  My Spirit will now flow through humble hearts, and only the humble will see this Spiritual Explosion.



YOU MAY WANT TO ALSO READ and listen to:

“My Spiritual Explosion Comes From Within You” (Podcast/Radio and Written)

“The Time Of The Spiritual Explosion Is Upon You” (Written and Video)


Previous articleHow Did Christ Rise From Hell? (Video only)
Next article“The Sons of Love”
I, Chris Williams, serve Jesus Christ, and thus you, within all of the five-fold ministry callings; I have done so since 1988, when I first heard Jesus Christ speak through me. If you would like to read more about that exciting life changing event, it is posted on our website: "Christ’s First Love Letter Thru Chris (1988) ~ NOW with UPDATES". Please search for it under the search words, "First Love Letter." I love Jesus Christ, God our Father, and the Holy Spirit with all that God has created me to be. I am so very grateful for every day that we are together with you and His other loving Children. I especially love to help Jesus teach others to prophesy, which is to hear God speak through them in their own language so that all present can understand and learn (see 1 Cor 14:1-39). I rejoice every time another Child hears God and begins their own intimate conversations with their Father, Savior and Helper/Comforter. All that God says must agree with the Bible. Please contact me for seminars, classes, lectures etc at chris@christine-williams-ministry.org . I'd love to meet you in person! In His Love For You, Chris


  1. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up. [James 4:10] I thank Him that when I was unable to humble myself, He can into me and stripped me of my self righteousness and revealed the blood of the cross and gave me a way to escape in Him.
    I believe He is coming again in His Bride of Revelation 7 & 14 with signs and wonders, probably during the 8 days of the CELEBRATION OF THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES 2017. [It could be in a week & a year]
    Chris, you are a mighty warrior…..preparing the way of Yeshua in LOVE, GRACE & HUMILITY.

    • Hi Bob, I appreciate the blessing you have given me. I truly pray I/we have indeed prepared the way for our Savior with His Love, Grace, and Humility. Yes, I also believe that it is very likely that God will do something spectacular during the Feast of Tabernacles because it is the only major Hebrew Feast taht has not as yet had a Christian event to match the Hebrew one. The other 2: Passover and Pentecost. Thanks for writing and adding to our understanding in both this comment and the previous one also. In His Love, Chris

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