Home Christ's Love Letters “Joy Is Poured Out And Into The Hearts Of Mine”

“Joy Is Poured Out And Into The Hearts Of Mine”

… looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross…
(Hebrews 12:2)
[Jesus Christ] I endured the cross for the joy. This is the generation in which this joy is poured out, and into, the hearts of Mine both in heaven and on earth.
Think on this: I endured the cross over two thousand years ago so that you, and all of Mine, can and will receive the joy of God within your new heart and mind (see 1 Cor. 2:16; Ezek. 18:31). I have become this joy; and through Me, you see and hear My voice. I am this joy that is now given to you as millions Spiritually hear and see Me, Amen.
Oh, how My Father and I have waited to share our Holy Spirit with one and all. Today, receive My fullness within you and know My joy within yourself, saith the Lord, Amen. God’s grace has been given and is now yours for the asking. Ask now. Christ, who is this joy, Amen.
[God our Father] What you perceive as Mine, is ours, saith the LORD. All that My Son purchased for you is within Me. Come, saith He who is a giver of all to all, Amen.

From our daily devotional  “December 16; Christ’s Prophetic Love Letters To His Children” at Amazon.com – all Amazons – and book stores (ask for it by name)

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