The Latter Day Rain Is Now The Promised TORRENT And Circle Of Light: UPDATES


Before reading the following, I suggest that you quickly read (at least in part): “The Latter Day Rain Is Now The Promised TORRENT” and “Mine Now Stand In The Center Of The Circle Of Light

May 27, 2015: “Horror of horror is now dumped upon the earth, My Children. It is all around you.  Many of you have become numb to this, as with anything that one experiences daily…

I’m coming quickly now, My Beloveds.  I am coming now within you and within so many.  Expect to see Me on earth also, Amen Amen and again Amen. You are never alone.  I am here with you now: within and beside you.

“The thick silver sheet of rain, spoken of in “The Latter Day Rain Is Now The Promised TORRENT” forms a wall of protection as God’s people stand in it: in the Circle of Light and Convergence

[(Chris’ Notes from the teachings of God:) This is why I/we see it from both the “world’s” and “God’s/God’s Children’s” point of view. This thick silver wall of latter day rain separates me/us from the world.]

God’s Garden and the Circle of Light are one – running from Heaven to earth and from earth to Heaven.  Inside the Torrent is a center, much like the eye of a storm or tornado.  It is quiet there.  The Spirit reigns there.  It is God’s Spirit/Spiritual realm.

“You are to enter and stay within this Circle now,” saith the Lord, Amen.]

As I reflected back on the previous events in “The Latter Day Rain Is Now The Promised TORRENT, I remembered that Jesus had been in the lighter rain for the first  two days; this was when I never saw Him get wet.  He rejoiced there, and thanked His Father within the circle of rain/light, Amen Amen and again Amen.

Today, Jesus said to me that this is where His sheep stood with Him in the vision: May 6, 2015; God’s Third Wave Of Children, Sheep, and Army; The anti-Christ Manifests NOW (in archives)

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I, Chris Williams, serve Jesus Christ, and thus you, within all of the five-fold ministry callings; I have done so since 1988, when I first heard Jesus Christ speak through me. If you would like to read more about that exciting life changing event, it is posted on our website: "Christ’s First Love Letter Thru Chris (1988) ~ NOW with UPDATES". Please search for it under the search words, "First Love Letter." I love Jesus Christ, God our Father, and the Holy Spirit with all that God has created me to be. I am so very grateful for every day that we are together with you and His other loving Children. I especially love to help Jesus teach others to prophesy, which is to hear God speak through them in their own language so that all present can understand and learn (see 1 Cor 14:1-39). I rejoice every time another Child hears God and begins their own intimate conversations with their Father, Savior and Helper/Comforter. All that God says must agree with the Bible. Please contact me for seminars, classes, lectures etc at . I'd love to meet you in person! In His Love For You, Chris